Monday, May 4, 2009

When you crawl out from her belly

At first I was wandering amidst darkness, soaring through the endless flowing space, Lighten and warmth my soul by Mother's love, with voice of melody and rhythm of her heart. At last light of the world shed over my tears, as a cry shakily heard beneath. They delightedly embraced me at gaze, passion of elation pours out on the air.

Living open-eyed on younger life had seen true pain of game on its plight. As a child experienced a walk towards dark route for shelter, because we'd just rent a house that day, with all the weights on my knees and tired arms, we courageously surpassed all the triumphs. Must have the strength, will and faith, the power like father who handles in control, and what mother always said about good manners, right conduct and the golden rule, I must be somebody...

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