Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Right Giving

June 17, 2012 Sunday Service

The Right Giving (2 Cor.9:7-15)

What motivation does it take for us to give? We heard the teaching to give in order to receive and does to give more is to receive more, but is this really the right way of giving or at least the right attitude for giving?

"We believe that the church is trust by God to preach the gospel to all nations. This it can accomplish by planting churches and supporting mission through tithes and offerings."
-Statement of Faith on Giving-

Why should we practice the RIGHT WAY OF GIVING?

1. I will give because I love God (2 Cor.9:7-11)
2. I will give because I am part of the church (1 Cor.16:1-3)
3. I will give because I love the sinners (2 Cor.8:1-5)

1. I will give because I love God.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give. A believer must settle in his heart how much money he will give even before leaving his house.

Each man should give not reluctantly or under compulsion. When we give it should be a deliberate giving, not because we see others are giving and so we are forced to give.

God loves a cheerful giver. In giving it is not only the one giving who is involved, God is watching every one in the church. He sees the one who is not giving anything, the one who is giving according to what he has decided in hi heart, the one who is giving reluctantly or under compulsion, the one who have deducted an amount from the money that he or she is supposed to give to the church. Now check, Is God happy at all to our giving?

God is able to make all grace abound to the cheerful giver. Prosperity or poverty is not dictated by our giving, but rather in God's ability to make grace abound to the cheerful giver.

God supplies the need of the cheerful giver abundantly, exceedingly, and more than enough not only for his necessity but for every good work. Besides God owns the heaven and earth, He has everything, right?

God will make a cheerful giver rich so that he can be generous on every occasion and his generosity will result to thanksgiving to God.

2. I will give because I am part of the church

Do what I told the Galatians churches to do. On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come, no collections will have to be made."

Paul gives general directives to all the churches concerning giving. Each one should set aside a sum of money to be given every week. This weekly giving is their participation as a member of the local church.

When we give, we are proclaiming that we are a member of the church, we are saying that we are part of God's family, we are saying that we are obedient to God.

3. I will give because I love the sinners

God gives grace to the Macedonian church, an extremely poor church and it resulted in generosity. To be generous is not necessary becoming a rich person or a rich church.

It is more on believing on what God can do through your life. It is more on the willingness to be part of God's work.

The Macedonian church literally gave to the Christians in Jerusalem who were starving because of famine. These gifts were not limited to simply providing for their needs, but we should bear in mind that we are part of it, if you faithfully give your tithes.

*We are doing our mission works because of the faithfulness of those who came before you.

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